Health Freedom Panel

Since the first Health Freedom Expo in 2005, we have supported your right to know and freedom to choose what’s best for you and your family.

Our renowned Health Freedom Panel provides an interactive discussion where experts explain the importance of health freedom, the regulations that challenge our rights, and how to preserve your voice in health care. Join us on February 17 at 2 pm alongside moderator Robert Scott Bell and panelists Jonathan Emord, Diane Miller, Becky Cash, Dr. Brian Hooker, and Dr. Mark Richards to learn about the current state of affairs.

This event is a replay from the 2023 Live Trinity Health Freedom Expo in Tinley Park, Illinois.

Private Symposium Replay with Dr. Bryan Ardis

Dr. Bryan Ardis is a chiropractor, acupuncturist, medical researcher, CEO of ArdisLabs, and Host of the Dr. Ardis Show, who has treated over 10,000 patients from around the world.

 In early 2020, he lost his father-in-law because of ill-advised hospital protocols. Since then, he has been on a relentless mission to help educate the public about the hidden dangers in many of our “institutes of health.”

He focuses on medical freedom, education, and waking up the world with the truth of natural immunity and the miracle healing power of all things natural.

Dr. Ardis was recently featured in the documentary “Watch the Water” with Stew Peters and the follow-up documentary CoVenom-19 and several others, exposing the weaponizing of venoms globally.

Whether through media interviews, public speaking, or testifying in state capital buildings, Dr. Ardis is on a mission to protect the health of innocent human beings worldwide and help make sense of their symptoms.

This event is a replay from the 2023 Live Trinity Health Freedom Expo in Tinley Park, Illinois.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine in America

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) includes any treatment received along with or in place of traditional allopathic care. Although Americans use CAM less frequently than other countries, it’s still a $30.2 billion per year industry. As individuals become more proactive with their wellness, integrative practices will continue to grow, further expanding this market.

Join us on February 18 at 2 pm to discover the role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in American healthcare. The panelists, Dr. Paul Tai, Dr. Todd Frisch, Debra Muth, Robert Scott Bell, and moderator Jeffrey Smith, will discuss the most effective and frequently used CAM for you and your family.

This event is a replay from the 2023 Live Trinity Health Freedom Expo in Tinley Park, Illinois.