Sponsor the Expo!

We have several sponsorship opportunities that facilitate our efforts to promote health freedom and
feature your company in recognition of your support.

2025 Live Expo Sponsor Application
Indianapolis, Indiana

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Primary Contact Name
This name will be used on your primary exhibitor badge.
Your website will be listed in the Expo guide.

Sponsorship Options

We have several sponsorship opportunities that facilitate our efforts to promote health freedom and feature your company in recognition of your support.

$10,000 Platinum Sponsor (over $11,000 value)
This package includes Alumni Dinner Sponsor, Symposium Speaker and Dinner Sponsor, Speaking Room Sponsor, Gift Bag Sponsor, Featured Exhibitor, and four event passes. This opportunity is only available to two sponsors on a first-come, first-served basis, so act now before individual items are purchased.
$2,500 Alumni Dinner Sponsor – Friday, September 26, from 6 pm – 9 pm
The annual Trinity Student and Alumni Dinner on Friday night kicks off the Expo weekend. This addition to the Expo lineup of events increases the attendance of holistic practitioners and natural health fans. As the Alumni Dinner Sponsor, we will thank you for your generous support before and after the meal, feature your company information at each table, and provide you with four event passes.
$2,500 Symposium Speaker Sponsor – Saturday, September 27, from 6 pm – 9 pm
The 2025 keynote speaker will present at the Saturday evening Symposium. As the Symposium Speaker Sponsor, we will thank you for your generous support at the event commencement and conclusion, feature your company information at each table, and provide you with four event passes.
$2,500 Symposium Dinner Sponsor – Saturday, September 27, from 6 pm – 9 pm
Guests will enjoy dinner while listening to a presentation by the 2025 keynote speaker. As the Symposium Dinner Sponsor, we will thank you for your generous support before and after the meal, feature your company information at each table, and provide you with four event passes.
$1,000 Speaking Room Sponsor – Saturday and Sunday, September 27-28, All Day
The speaking hall is a bustling area at our highly educational Expo. As a Speaking Room Sponsor, we will feature your company name and logo on the lecture room door and speaker presentation screen for the duration of the event. This opportunity is available to two sponsors.
$1,000 Gift Bag Sponsor
As a Gift Bag Sponsor, we will feature your logo on the attendee bag, which contains an event guide, samples, and informational brochures. This opportunity is available to three sponsors.
$500 Featured Exhibitor
To increase interaction, attendees receive a punch card with instructions to visit with particular exhibitors and learn about their business to get their card punched. Completed cards are submitted for a chance to win a prize from the Trinity Health Freedom Expo. This opportunity is available to eight sponsors.

With each opportunity, your company will also be recognized as a sponsor on our website, in the event guide, and at the 2026 virtual Expo.

Contract Agreements

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: All contract cancellations or downsizing by any exhibitor must be made in writing and are subject to a 50-100% cancellation fee. If an exhibitor cancels 3 months or more prior to the event, a 50% cancellation penalty fee will apply. Any exhibitor canceling within 90 days of the event will not receive a refund.
Exhibitor Acceptance
Exhibitor Acceptance: Completing this document constitutes a binding legal agreement. Exhibitor agrees that upon acceptance of this contract by Trinity Health Freedom Expo with or without appropriate payment, this contract shall become a legally binding contract. The individual signing this document represents that he/she is duly authorized to execute this binding contract on behalf of the exhibitor. By signing this agreement, exhibitor agrees to abide by all terms and conditions of this contract, including the rules and regulations on the second page of the printed application, as well as any Trinity Health Freedom Expo policies in effect given to the exhibitor in writing.
Exhibitor Rules & Regulations